SolarED is a brainchild of the I&E program of LU.
What We Do
The goal of SolarED is to provide educational and wellness materials to remote locations of the developing world world where access to the internet or electricity is unavailable. Starting with Nepal, we established a local volunteer team who would send solar-powered tablets to the rural areas and keep the content timely updated.The city-based volunteer team within the country would download the newest material from the cloud server and send it to the recipient schools through mailing service and the schools simply send back the hard disk with the old materials. The updating of the material is accomplished this way.
We want to launch our project by providing high school level and introductory college level courses in mathematics, and then plan on progressing into more course subjects and/or providing more levels of education.
Travis is an ACE Fitness Certified Personal Trainer and is working to coordinate with ACE in order to include their fitness & nutritional materials in SolarED.
SolarED will have a user interface that will provide course options to the user. Once the user chooses a course, the interface will promptly take the user to the video lecture, lesson, etc.
The solar panel that we are using can charge two tablets at once in a short amount of time so that SolarED can be used daily.
SolarEd is testing on iPad but we look to expand to Android tablets.
How We Do It
Our Team
U.S. Educational
Cloud Servers
Solar-powered Tablet